9.02.22 Quarter 1, Week 3 & 4 Spotlight


Grades K - 2, Ms. Brietske (breanna.brietske@greatheartswesternhills.org)

This past week, Kindergarten helped me make a bulletin border for our classroom. This week, students will make shape houses! We will continue to practice our cutting skills by using colored shapes to build a house.

Last week in 1st Grade, we made shiny shape artworks with contour lines. This week, we will continue learning about lines. We will read, "Lines That Wiggle" and use markers to paint our own "Lines That Wiggle" artwork.

Last week in 2nd Grade, we learned about the purpose of our sketchbooks and how classic artists used their sketchbooks. We looked at sketchbook pages from Da Vinci. This week in 2nd Grade we will be learning about symmetry! We will start our symmetrical butterfly project!

Grades 3 - 5, Mrs. Looney (annie.looney@greatheartswesternhills.org)

We were busy creating in the studio this week: see below!

5th Grade
Study of Mola Textile Art, Panama. 
Pencil and crayon on paper. 
Element of Art Focus: Line

4th Grade
Study of a Rose Window, Gothic Architecture.
Oil pastel on paper.
Element of Art Focus: Shape

3rd Grade
Study of Nazca Geoglyphs, Peru.
Sand, glue, paint, and wooden stick.
Element of Art Focus: Line


Grades K - 2, Ms. Burciaga (kiana.burciaga@greatheartswesternhills.org)

In the week ahead...

Every scholar will encounter their first Winter Concert piece! Woo hoo!

Kindergarten will be starting on a French carol, First Graders will enjoy a fun poem by Edgar Allen Poe set to music, and Second Graders will encounter a beautiful Latin piece!

Grades 3 - 5, Ms. Smith (stephanie.smith@greatheartswesternhills.org)

Hello Spartans,

This week in music we have been focusing on the musical alphabet and identifying and naming the notes on a treble staff.

The musical alphabet only goes to the letter G and then starts over from the beginning. Could you imagine singing your ABC's like this?

AbcdefgAbcdefgAbcdefgAbcdefg... (forever and ever)

The scholars know that the music staff consists of 5 lines and 4 spaces, and that there are fun little tricks to identify line notes and space notes.

A good way to remember treble clef space notes is that they spell out the word FACE.

And for our treble clef line notes, 5th graders came up with this fun mnemonic device - 
    "Every Good Baggins Does Fight!!!"

Help our scholars remember their note names as there may be a quiz on it in the near future!


Grades K - 2, Mrs. Huerta (elidia.huerta@greatheartswesternhills.org)

Hello Spartans,

This week in Spanish was all about learning the colors. Scholars identified colors in Spanish and provided information about colors around them. 

Scholars comprehended the question, "De que color es?". 
Scholars would answer, "Es rojo, amarillo, azul, morado."

Grades 3 - 5, Ms. Castro (e.castrogonzalez@greatheartswesternhills.org)

Hello Spartans,

Similar to last week, we are continuing our lesson on school. The scholars are learning how to ask and answer questions related to the theme.

Physical Education

Grades K - 2, Coach Chaney (candice.chaney@greatheartswesternhills.org)

Hello Spartans,

This week in P.E., we will continue our Jumping and Landing Series. Last week, we practiced proper form for jumping and landing, balanced and under control. This week we will actively participate in activities such as Island Hopping and Jumping Fisherman. Go Spartans Go!

Grades 3 - 5, Coach Manta (mihai.manta@greatheartswesternhills.org)

Our 3rd - 5th graders will explore passing and catch the basketball and we will learn the basic shooting of a basketball.
Together we are...


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